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Oferta pracy

Quality Analyst

Kraków, małopolskie, Polska Dodano: 2024-06-29 | ID oferty: 2223979

Quality Analyst
NR REF.: 1185793

Hays IT Contracting is a cooperation based on B2B rules. We connect IT specialists with the most interesting, technological projects on the market.Join the group of 500 satisfied Contractors working for Hays’ clients!
For our Client we are currently looking for Candidates for the position of:Quality Analyst

Contract B2B via Hays PLRate: 110 – 130 PLN/h net + VATProject length: long-term cooperation, first contract by the end of 2024Remote 100%

Project short description:
Contractor will be working with the following applications, and preference will be given to those who have backgrounds in them:
  • Salesforce.com (SFDC)
  • Azure DevOps for managing user stories and test plans
  • PowerPoint as primary communication tool with users
  • Microsoft Teams as primary tool to communicate with peers

The Quality Analyst (QA) will be responsible for leading establishing effective QA processes within the client organization. The role involves ensuring that software products meet defined quality standards, are free from defects, and meet user requirements. 

What will you do: Team Leadership – oversee and provide guidance, mentoring, and coaching to a team of analysts. Assign tasks, set priorities, and monitor progress to ensure timely delivery of QA activities and milestones. QA Process Development – Define & establish QA processes, standards, and guidelines. Develop comprehensive testing plans and methodologies for various forms of testing (SIT, Regression, UAT, etc.) Test Planning & Execution – Collaborate with stakeholders & project team members to understand requirements & define test objectives, scope, & coverage. Develops test scenarios, coordinates execution, & analyzes results. Defect Management – Establishes defect management processes & workflows for reporting, priority, tracking, & resolution of defects identified during testing. Stakeholder Communication – Communicates QA status, progress, & issues to project stakeholders & team members.

What we expect from you:
  • Minimum of 4+ (desired 5+) years of proven experience as a quality analyst creating and managing complex application test plans.
  • Strong understanding of how businesses operate with ability to engage multiple stakeholders (business & technical.)
  • Demonstrated ability to analyze user stories, understand expected outcomes, and create viable test plans.
  • Structured in how they manage their work, communicate, and document test plans and outcomes.
  • Motivated and able to work independently (and remotely) to learn technologies.
  • Knowledge of English (min. B2)

What would be a plus:
  • Experience in Agile and Waterfall project management environments
  • Verbal & written communications to both technical & non-technical project team members
  • Experience with Automation packages a plus but is no considered a core area of focus at this time

What will you get:
  • Long-term cooperation with the client implementing projects for the largest players in the banking, insurance, telco and more sectors
  • Standard benefits - preferential rates for LuxMed and Multisport packages
  • When you choose to work via Hays, you also get the opportunity to work for many of Hays39 other leading clients in the future

What will the recruitment process look like: Your CV will be verified by Hays Recruiter Recruiter will contact you by phone - a 15-minute conversation about the project and your experience Technical conversation with the client - online meetings Offer Welcome to the project! 
Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Kontakt w sprawie rekrutacji:

Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowana(y) ofertą pracy skontaktuj się z nami na poniższe dane. Przesyłając do nas swoje CV prosimy zawrzeć klauzule o zgodzie na przetwarzanie danych w celu rekrutacji.

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Kraków małopolskie

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